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John LaCosta

Track Updates for September 20, 1998

John LaCosta    T uesday (9/15) Mark Hurley was Dispatcher with Carl Thistel and Diefenbach as crew for a night tour.

     Wednesday (9/16) Warren Olt was Dispatcher with Carl Thistel, Jim Robertson and Ben Bates as crew for a daytime tour.

     Saturday (9/19) was the annual membership meeting for the museum. In the morning Ed Amrhein, Dave Crow and I worked on the Witt, 6119. It was placed on the pit and the trucks were checked for loose or broken parts, the air compressor oil was checked. The contact fingers on the reverser and PCM controller were cleaned and lubricated, the car was jacked up and the center bearing and side bearing was greased and the brakes were adjusted. Rick Obbink continued to work on the truck for 1164.

     By noon Mark Hurley had taken over as Dispatcher from the shop crew with Tom Phillips, John Diefenbach, Carl Merson, Greg Thompson and Chris Howell as crew. The turnout was reasonable, but by the 5 PM closing time the members started to pour in for the picnic style food that Rick Williams and Michele Lawrence were cooking on the grill. All of he cars that could be moved out under their own power were outside for display and for trips over the line. As night came Buster put the lanterns on the had brake cars.

     Sunday (9/20) Bob Krueger was Dispatcher with Jim Robertson, John Diefenbach and Carl Thistel as crew. The day did not start off well as the road in front of the museum was closed in the morning and did not reopen until about 1:30PM. The crew talked there way past the Baltimore City employees who manned the blockades, but other than the bicycle riders, there were no regular visitors until after the road opened. The City also closed the northbound portion of I-83 for the walk/ride event. It turned out to be a reasonable day considering the slow start.

     Rick Obbink and I arrived about 1:00PM and just had to move the barricades so we could get to the shop. We spent the afternoon working on the truck for the double truck open car, 1164. The wear plates were installed for the main driver journal boxes and a list of bolts for the next phase of reassemble was compiled.


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