Getting Started with HTML - How to Build a Home on the Web

by: Marty Beall

Okay, I have a picture of myself and I want the whole world to know who I am, how do I let them access my picture? Here's where the IMG tag comes into effect, you use the IMG tag with the SRC attribute. Remember: Most browsers only support the GIF and JPEG format.

So, all together you have:
-------------------------------------- New Document-------------------------------------------------

<TITLE> This is Where your Title Goes </TITLE>
<BODY BGCOLOR="#FFFFFF" TEXT="#000000" LINK="#0000AA" VLINK="#0000AA" ALINK="#FF0000">
<H1>The is My Headline</H1>
<HR SIZE="4" WIDTH="75%">
<IMG SRC="">
-------------------------------------- New Document-------------------------------------------------

Is there a way I can add a border around my picture? Yes, just add the BORDER attribute. The BORDER attribute goes inside of the IMG tag.

So, you get something like:
-------------------------------------- New Document-------------------------------------------------

<TITLE> This is Where your Title Goes </TITLE>
<BODY BGCOLOR="#FFFFFF" TEXT="#000000" LINK="#0000AA" VLINK="#0000AA" ALINK="#FF0000">
<H1>The is My Headline</H1>
<HR SIZE="4" WIDTH="75%">
-------------------------------------- New Document-------------------------------------------------

Note: BORDER can be any number you want.

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Baltimore MD : Technology : Getting Started with HTML : How to Build a Home on the Web