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John LaCosta

Track Updates for October 18, 1998

John LaCosta    Tuesday (10/6) Ed Amrhein was Dispatcher with John Diefenbach and Paul Ritterhoff as crew for an evening tour.

     Wednesday (10/7) Warren Olt was Dispatcher with Harry Gesser, Charlie Plantholt and John Diefenbach as crew for the normal Wednesday tours.

     Saturday (10/10) ray Cannon was Dispatcher with John Diefenbach and Ben Bates as crew.

     During the afternoon Dave Crow and I installed the 600VDC wiring from the 28th Street loop contactor to the switching box. At the same time we adjusted the trolley contactor to align it better to the overhead trolley wire. The preliminary testing looked good as we could see each car go through the contactor on our test equipment.

     Sunday (10/11) Ben Bates was Dispatcher with Bernie Sachs and Mike Citro as crew.

     Tuesday (10/13) Bob Krueger was Dispatcher with John Diefenbach and Paul Ritterhoff as crew for an evening tour.

     Wednesday (10/14) Warren Olt was Dispatcher with Harry Gesser, Dick Hutzler and Jim Robertson as crew for the normal Wednesday tours.

     Thursday (10/15) Ed and Rick Obbink were down to prepare the speeder for Friday's filming.

     Friday (10/16) By the time I arrived at the Museum (6AM) there were more people from the filming company than we normally see on a fall Saturday. While the filming was set to start at noon, there was quite a lot of preparation that was needed. The filming is for a follow on movie to Avalon. As in Avalon, the streetcars of Baltimore are part of the story.

     The morning was spent getting 7407 ready for it's supporting role and the speeder ready to haul the power supplies for the lights and cameras. For the most part the BSM members just watched as the "pro's" did their thing. We did provide fork lift service, but for the most part we just waited and watched. Carl Merson was the "official" PCC operator in his 50's uniform.

     Once things had settled in to the normal hurry up and wait of getting ready to film, Dave Crow and I left the rest of the crew (Ed, Rick Obbink, Dave Crow, Dan Lawrence(Dispatcher of record), Dennis Yeager, Ben Bates and David Baynes) and took the line truck out to connect the 28th street contactor low voltage lines along the right of way. We also finished serving the span wires for the last replacement at 28th street a few weeks before. Ed and Rick continued to work on the crane.

     The filming started about 1PM and the line car was placed to block some 90's looking things. During each filming Falls road was closed and lots of 50 automobiles drove by as the PCC went up and down the line. Details of the filming we be in the next news letter.

     Saturday (10/17) Dan Lawrence was Dispatcher with Dennis Falter, Rick Williams and Bernie Sachs as crew.

     Sunday (10/18) Carl Merson was Dispatcher and Mel Boteler, Fred Schneider and Dave Crow were crew. This was also an antique car club meet so for the second time in one week the museum was filled with older automobiles.

     The next update will be in two weeks since next week I will be singing in a local opera.


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